November 15, 2022

California Announces Investments in Statewide Mental Health Call Centers


The state of California has allocated funds to continue both the California Peer-Run Warm Line and the CalHOPE Warm Line, providing residents in every county with all-hours non-crisis emotional support from peers by phone and chat, and adding text access by 2023.

“Now more than ever, having a resource to support a person’s emotional health is a critical part of bolstering our overall health and well-being,” said Assembly Budget Chair Phil Ting [D-San Francisco]. “These additional resources for the California Peer-Run Warm Line will ensure that those who are not in crisis, but still need support, are able to get the help they need.”

Added Senator Scott Wiener [D-San Francisco]: “The California Peer-Run Warm Line provides an invaluable service to those in need of free non-emergency support at a time when the need for mental health services is off the charts. I’m proud to have worked with Assemblymember Ting to secure funding to ensure this life-saving service can continue.”

The California Peer-Run Warm Line provides peer-to-peer emotional support, information, and referrals to callers 24/7, 365 days per year. Support is offered in English and Spanish, as well as 240 languages through translation. Unique among other hotline and crisis services, such as 988, the Warm Line is staffed by 100-plus highly trained Peer Counselors who bring hope through their own experiences with mental health challenges.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mental Health Association of San Francisco and Department of Health Care Services [DHCS] launched the CalHOPE Warm Line, a parallel peer-operated service to deliver Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/ Federal Emergency Management Agency Crisis Counseling Programming remotely and on a 24/7 statewide level, as had never before been available through localized disaster response. The state’s allocation helps to continue the success of these warm lines following the end of federal disaster relief funding by merging the two lines under one programmatic umbrella. The 2022-23 state budget includes $30 million over the next three years for MHASF’s Warm Line programs.

Said Dr. Jim Kooler, Special Consultant for DHCS: “CalHOPE’s purpose is to build community resiliency and help people recover through free outreach, crisis counseling, and support services. These additional resources for the Mental Health Association of San Francisco will continue the work of the CalHOPE Peer-Run Warm Line to help people manage the stress, anxiety, and depression they may be experiencing, thus preventing the need for more intensive care.”

The California Peer-Run Warm Line is available by calling toll-free 1-855-845-7415 or chatting online here.

The CalHOPE Warm Line is available by calling (833) 317-HOPE (4673). More information can be found at

This public announcement of investment in the California Peer-Run and CalHOPE Warm Lines coincides with Monday’s World Mental Health Day and the Mental Health Association of San Francisco’s annual conference, “Redefining Crazy: It’s The System, Not the People” occurring virtually on October 12-14th.

The complete announcement can be viewed here.

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623