November 30, 2022
Propel Your Career Towards Mental Health Employment Opportunities
PROPEL is a no-cost “Peer” Professional Network that offers Individual Placement Support [IPS] services in San Francisco, Marin, Alameda, Contra Costa, and San Mateo counties. Peers are defined as individuals with lived experience as a mental/behavioral health services consumer, family member, and/or caregiver.PROPEL is made-up of a highly committed group of professionals who believe in the Mental Health Association of San Francisco’s [MHASF] mission, vision, and values. All PROPEL staff members identify as peers with lived experience or have a family member that has dealt with mental health and/or substance use challenges.
Through the Individual Placement Support approach, PROPEL assists peers obtain competitive jobs in the Public Mental Health System [PMHS]. PROPEL believes that every peer is worthy of employment opportunities that pay competitive wages, in an environment that supports, sustains, and enhances their lives. Rather than trying to sculpt peers into becoming “perfect workers”, PROPEL uses extensive prevocational assessments, career planning, training, and long-term support to assist peers in finding sustainable, meaningful employment.PROPEL understands that inevitably, challenges come with employment and the workplace. Ensuring your long-term success is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to being with you on this journey.
PROPEL Services
When you enroll in PROPEL, you will have access to the many service offerings listed below, all at no cost to you. On-Demand Skill Enhancing Trainings —Through MHASF’s Training Institute [TI], PROPEL participants have access to engaging, evidenced-based courses designed to enhance skills and knowledge in an array of mental health topics that will assist in peer professional development. Peer Support Consultation —Peer support consultations are available at no cost to all PROPEL participants. These consultations are an opportunity to discuss issues and challenges that stem from the workplace. A trained clinical professional facilitates the consultations.Peers Reaching Out [PRO] – A PROPEL Peer Support Network PRO hosts events that are designed to bring peers together, and to provide peer centered long-term support in an organized way. The sharing of successes, and opportunities in a peer community is invaluable. Events are planned and organized by PRO peer participants, with the support of PROPEL staff. Through our shared experiences, we can thrive together.