February 20, 2018

PRT and Their Experience

A diverse team of four peers with lived expertise of collecting behaviors, the Peer Response Team (PRT) provides presentations, facilitates support groups and intensive 1:1 support to individuals facing eviction or who feel overwhelmed through excessive clutter. Thanks to PRT over 81% of participants at risk of losing housing kept their homes. Two members of the PRT, Sharon Scott Kish and Ana B. Gutierrez share their experiences as peers at the conference.

Sharon Scott Kish

My first conference attendance was memorable. I had no idea that I would gather such a plethora of much-needed information! I also was not aware that the subjects would be so varied .The assistance given to participants really helped me to navigate the agenda.My group, the Peer Response Team, gave a presentation, which I must say, kept the participants captivated. We told our own personal history of Collecting Behavior and how first we were pushed either by ourselves or others to take action.We shared some of the tools that we had adopted in order to give insight of our journey. Our words and presence gave a face to collecting behavior and I must say we livened up the audience. Each of our stories was different, and struck a chord with many.I left feeling that we were some very powerful small candles lighting a broad path of knowledge and acceptance. I will attend this year with a BIGGER and BETTER TOOL BOX – ready to share my story, and maybe with some Scented Candles!

Ana B. Gutierrez
(En Español):

La diversidad de gente atendiendo a la conferencia es exelente: Uno se puede conectar y platicar con gente de varios otros estados y varias partes del mundo, solo tiene que empesar la conversacion y aprender y gozar del enriquesimiento de culturas, conocimientos, guianzas y consejos, en los temas presentados de el punto de vista de estas personas.La gran variedad de presentaciones en el tema es admirable y tan prolifico que yo no podia decidirme a cual queria ir y decidi asistir a varios la mitad a uno y la mitad a otro por que todos estaban muy interesantes, buenisimos y fantasticos.Lo ultimo pero no menos los creadores de la conferencia se aseguraron que nos gosaramos con las presentaciones con un toque de suavidad, los alimentos estilo bufete y variado, el “Microfono Abierto” que algunos se ralajaron y se gozaron mucho haciendo chistes, y la presentacion de la comedia el drama y la accion de desahacerce de cosas en el hogar con el tema de STAR TREK. A la gente le encanto.Que Sorpresa Tendran para nosotros esta vez?The diversity of people attending is excellent: you get to meet people from many parts of the world just connect and start the conversation, learn and get cultural enrichment, tips and guidance on the subject. The wide variety of topics in the subject offered is so great, I had a problem choosing which one to go to. Because they were all fantastic, so I ended up going half time to one and half time to another so I get a bit of each.Last but not least, the creators of the conference made sure we enjoyed ourselves, so everything is done with a fun bit in to it. And the food was excellent, people in the open mike got to be a bit silly and goofy. And last conference on 2015 there was a skit about how to discard with the Star Trek theme, which people loved.So What Have They Got In Store For Us This Time?

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623