March 15, 2023

Peer Work… Works: MHASF Professional Success Stories

MHASF is dedicated to peer-led mental health recovery, and as a result of that commitment, we understand that the people who are seeking resources matter just as much as those providing support. In fact, many of the staff at MHASF have incredible stories of recovery, healing, and professional success to share with anyone who may be looking to further their career in mental health. Let’s take a closer look at some of MHASF’s incredible staff and community members who work hard to keep our support groups open and make sure the CA Peer-Run Warm Line stays warm!

Sarah Jean Flynn — Director of Warm Line Programs

I serve as the Director of Warm Line Programs. I’ve been with MHASF for over eight years. I started out here as a Warm Line Peer Counselor in 2014. From there, I worked as a Warm Line Coordinator and then as Warm Line Manager before moving into my current role in early 2020.

MHASF has always been an exciting place to work. Our work is rooted in the Mental Health Recovery movement and those values are important to the people who choose to work here. There’s been a huge amount of growth for MHASF in the time that I’ve been here and it’s been powerful to participate in the process of growing the organization while staying in alignment with peer values.

One of MHASF’s Warm Line values is Unlimited Recovery. Part of what that value means is that we don’t have to hold on to limiting beliefs about what we’re capable of as people who live with mental health challenges. I was struck by that when I joined MHASF as a Peer Counselor and began to understand my experience through the lens of Mental Health Recovery. I started to see possibilities for myself that had seemed unimaginable during my lowest times. At MHASF I’ve been given an ideal combination of opportunity and support that has allowed me to grow professionally in ways I’m really proud of. In my role now, I’m delighted to be able to support the professional growth of peers who are passionate about this work.

Peter Murphy — Outreach Manager

I feel very lucky to have found MHASF. This type of community mental health work can be hard and demanding—physically and emotionally. MHASF does its best to provide support for employees thorough regular supervision sessions and what’s called “clinical consult” which is a clinician from outside of MHASF who offers support also. The agency is mainly [90%] peers and the peer perspective is crucial to MHASF and its priorities and values.My current role is Outreach Manager. I started with MHASF in 2015 on the Warm Line. I worked on the Warm Line for about four years and have been in outreach since then. To me, the Warm Line is the heart of the agency—it represents the work we do very clearly as it’s one peer in mental health recovery supporting another on the phone, on text or in a chat providing connection, emotional support and referrals.

It’s exciting to be at MHASF and be part of this growth. Being a peer in mental health recovery means being an advocate for better mental health services for everyone and MHASF is leading the way towards better services for all.

Jaelen Valdez — Training Institute Development Coordinator

My role at MHASF is the Training Institute Development Coordinator where I help develop and facilitate training in the department of education and innovation. I have been with the agency now for almost a year!

MHASF is my first peer-run organization that I have worked for. Previously I have worked at another nonprofit as a Health Educator teaching mental health wellness programs for TAY throughout the East Bay. I choose to work for MHASF because of the mission and the progressive mindset of the workplace. I really wanted to seek out a supportive and professional nurturing workplace post-grad and that’s just what I found!

The work that I have done thus far has brought a huge change on my perspective of peer-based mental health work and the impact of sharing lived experiences and being a part of a diverse community. I am growing and learning everyday through the work that I do and it has led me to cherish all the different departments and efforts that put in work each and everyday. I enjoy the work but the people make it fun.

Erik Henriques — Director of Peer Services

Peer counseling essentially was the type of work I had hoped to do when I was an undergraduate student, and I was delighted that such a profession actually existed! In 2014, I began applying and interviewing for peer counseling positions. In October of 2014, I began work as one of the first peer counselors for MHASF’s [then] newly launched Peer-Run Warm Line. By early 2015, I was promoted to the position of Warm Line coordinator. In May of 2016, I became the Program Manager for MHASF’s peer provider program in Marin County. In this position, I have learned both advanced peer counseling skills, and acquired enhanced clinical knowledge. As of May 2020, I have been serving as MHASF’s Director of Peer Services.My journey in recovery led me to MHASF. MHASF embodies the value of peer-based work as a crucial aspect of mental health system. I have personally witnessed how serving as an advocate and role model for recovery can lead to others living with mental health challenges to thrive and live meaningful, productive lives.  My journey in recovery is ongoing and lifelong, and MHASF has provided me with many opportunities to personally thrive and grow during the past 8 ½ years!

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623