Tech@Hand creates connections to devices, internet, resource navigation, and digital mental health support through compassionate, participant-centered, peer learning experiences.
We provide support for socially isolated trans and queer older adults and transitional-aged youth in San Francisco.
What We Do
Tech@Hand was developed in collaboration with this statewide initiative of Help@Hand during COVID-19 to increase resources in response to an increased need for digital mental health support. Help@Hand is a collaboration between agencies and counties throughout California as part of a statewide initiative.
A lack of tech education and technical skills training due to the digital divide is a major barrier for our most vulnerable community members to access necessary public services and make progress towards their life goals.
Tech@Hand aims to teach essential digital literacy skills to community members while providing peer-led emotional support.
Digital Literacy Cohort Program
Participants of this program receive a tablet with a hotspot throughout the duration of the cohort (4-6 months). Depending on capacity, we often have 2 cohorts a year, in Fall and Spring.
During their time in the program, they will work closely 1:1 with a Digital Peer Navigator to establish and work towards their digital literacy and life goals.
Public Tech Support Office Hours
We host tech support office hours over Zoom to the public for free.