Hoarding: Support Groups

Gatherings of people who self-identify as having hoarding behaviors to talk, share experiences, and get support from like-minded individuals.

Clutterers Anonymous

Clutterers Anonymous℠ is a Fellowship of compulsive clutterers who practice a 12-Step and 12-Tradition program modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous® (A.A.®). Just as alcoholics join A.A. to arrest the disease of alcoholism, and gamblers join Gamblers Anonymous® (GA®) to arrest the compulsion to gamble, we join CLA℠ to arrest the compulsion to clutter, one day at a time.

MHASF - Peer Support Services

MHASF's support groups are available for all California residents (18 y/o +) and are no-cost for participants. All support groups are peer-led, meaning that they are led by people who have lived experience with the specific topic of each support group.

(510) 306-4527

Hoarding Cleanup

Peer to Peer Online Hoarding Support Group

  • Sundays at 5:00pm (PST - West Coast Time)

  • Tuesdays at 6:00pm (PST - West Coast Time)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI support groups are peer-led and offer participants an opportunity to share their experiences and gain support from other attendees.

Debtors Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous (DA) is a 12-step program that is patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous.  Their focus is to help people get a handle on their financial affairs.  Many people with hoarding challenges engage in the compulsive acquiring of additional items.  DA can be of enormous assistance in curbing the urge to acquire even more objects.  DA recognizes the relationship between finances and stuff.  They refer to this as Prosperous Possession Consciousness.  DA has multiple Zoom and phone meetings on this topic.  They even have some In-Person meetings here in S.F. 

In-Person DA Meetings in SF (General Topics)
Afternoon Debtors, San Francisco

When: Thursdays 4:00 to 5:00 pm Pacific Time

Where: Castro Country Club

4058 18th Street (near Castro and 18th St. in the Castro District of SF)

Contact: Amanda 415-517-3917 for more info

Saturday SF Steps and Traditions

When: Saturdays 3:00 to 4:00 pm Pacific Time

Where: CPMC Hospital Davies Campus

45 Castro St. @ Duboce

San Francisco, CA 94114

Castro at Duboce (enter near the emergency entrance)

Rm B3 (in basement of hospital)

Contact: Angel 415-203-5063 for more info

DA Zoom Meetings on Prosperous Possession Consciousness
Debtors Anonymous with Time and Clutter Issues

When: Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 pm Pacific Time

Where: Video platform - ZOOM
Link (click to connect): https://zoom.us/j/84721502049
Meeting ID: 847 2150 2049
Password: 763321

Compulsive Spending, Cluttering and Visions Meeting

When: Tuesday 7 to 8:30 pm Pacific Time

Where: Video platform - ZOOM
Link (click to connect): https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4167814151
Meeting ID: 416 781 4151

Promises and Paperwork

When: Wednesday 3 to 4 pm Pacific Time

Where: Video platform - ZOOM
Link (click to connect): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81685907064?pwd=ZHh0Tm9Nd3hnM0pmeE9jQWlDUUVRdz09
Meeting ID: 816 8590 7064
Password: Sanity

Underearners Anonymous

Underearners Anonymous (UA) is a 12-step program that is patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous.  Like Debtors Anonymous, their focus is to help people get a handle on their financial affairs.  They provide special support to individuals who tend to undervalue their time and worth and struggle to realize their full financial potential. Many people with hoarding challenges engage in the compulsive acquiring of additional items.  UA can be of enormous assistance in curbing the urge to acquire even more objects.  UA recognizes the relationship between finances and stuff.  They refer to this as Prosperous Possession Consciousness.

Below is a list of FREE Phone Conference Meetings*

These should be covered under most phone plans depending on the telephone carrier. T-Mobile and Sprint may charge by the minute. Contact UA for ways around this problem.

UA Prosperous Possession Consciousness

667-770-1021 with an access code of 528699#

Press either *1 or *6 to mute and unmute.

  • Sundays at 11:00 am Pacific Time

  • Tuesdays at 9:00 am Pacific Time

  • Thursdays at 9:15 am Pacific Time

UA Prosperous Possession Consciousness

978-990-5150 with an access code of 957993#

Press either *1 or *6 to mute and unmute.

  • Thursdays from 9:15 to 10:15 am Pacific Time

UA Possession Consciousness for Serenity

650-313-4415 with an access code of 243609#

Press either *1 or *6 to mute and unmute.

  • Saturdays from 10 pm to 11:30 pm Pacific Time

UA Prosperous Possession Consciousness

667-770-1021 with an access code of 528699#

Press either *1 or *6 to mute and unmute.

  • Saturdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm Pacific Time

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623

24/7 California Peer-Run Warm Line

The Mental Health Association of San Francisco is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#94-1218623